среда, 13 июля 2011 г.

Step 13.Stante perfect

Step 13.Stante perfect

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Of course, youcan read the book "Do you have more than you think," "Investment Guide Motley Fool" and "sets the rules, break the rules" and be more prepared to invest in today's crazy market than nine out of ten other people. But as you learn how to better navigate in all the twists and turns of individual stocks from 99 of the 100 investors?
We say to you five magic words, and it will not be the words "Call market forecaster Helen Garzarelli." These are the words: "More often visit our site." Here you will find dozens of additional educational texts and interactive features, live online discussions, and much, much more.
Learn the basics of investing
To do this, and there is a whole section of our "Education". In it you will find materials on all matters necessary to explain the basic concepts of the investment world to the recommendations of the latest investment strategies.
But that's not all. On our website there is active discussion board where you can find out any question, like his fellow investors, and the authors of the site. In addition, if the answer did not satisfy you, you can use the heading "Contact Us" and solve their problems directly with the authors of the site.
Observe the results of translating policies into practice
Ideas - it's good, but what happens when they are embodied in the real portfolio of securities? Many investment advisers will be happy to advise you on what you should do. Very few of them actually want to put their money where others advise, and explain exactly how to manage a portfolio, using a specific investment approach. And even fewer will receive their investment income above average.
Category "Prices and portfolios" serves to illustrate the process of managing your money, according to any of the selected strategies. Here you can compare the results of their investments with any market averages and other indicators.
Generate investment ideas
So, you've learned the basics of investing and look what happens when they are put into practice. Where can you get ideas for their own investment strategies? Our sections of the Financial news of the day, events and comments and bond markets are designed to show you what happens to shares in response to certain news and economic events. Regularly reviewing these sections will give you a sense of whether an event of real investment opportunity. You will be able not only to know what's happening with the companies whose shares you own, but be aware of what is happening in the rest of the business world, whose shares you might want to purchase later.
Tie it all together
Investing - this is not one-off event is a long process that requires time and attention. High-quality, well-diversified portfolio that generates returns better than the strategy of Dow-dividend or other mechanical strategy, requires a lot of work. This work, you can perform with the help of our site, along with other investors. Good luck and have no doubt that soon you will transcend any "sage" from Wall Street.

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